Mountain Bike Code

Mountain Bike Code

Show Respect

Greet and thank others.

Give way to pedestrians.

Protect yourself

Wear a helmet, glasses, gloves and other protective gear.

Service your bike regularly.

Stay on the trail

Respect trail closures and riding restrictions.

Do not take any shortcuts.

Respect the environment

Respect the flora and fauna.

Close gates and fences behind you.

Leave no trace

Avoid skidding and blocking your wheels.

Take your rubbish with you.

Know your limits

Stay focused and anticipate what is coming.

Adapt your speed to the situation and to your skills.

BikePort Sagl
Viale Stazione 36b
SBB Railway Station - track 1
6500 Bellinzona

From 01.11.2024 to 16.03.2025:

From Tuesday to Saturday

9:00-13:00 / 15:00-18:00


From 17.03.2025 to 02.11.2025:


9:00-13:00 / 15:00-18:00

+41 (0)91 243 09 78



  • Strategisches Dokument zur Koexistenz, SchweizMobil (PDF)
  • MTB Kodex, SUVA (Link)
  • Unfallfrei durch die Natur, BFU (Link)

BikePort Sagl
Viale Stazione 36b

6500 Bellinzona


Tel. +41 91 243 09 78




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Swisstainable     Partner Rent a bike     Swiss Cycling Guide     Swiss Cycling Academy 4 Kids